Wolfville Community Fund

The Wolfville Community Fund was established in 2008 to provide a way for all of us to contribute to the community we love and to help ensure our needs are addressed both now and in the future.

About our fund

Our concern is Wolfville as a whole.

That’s why our grants support everything from shelter, sustenance and care for those most in need to recreation, arts and the environment. We work with a wide range of community groups – not just one charity or sector – to provide a comprehensive view of local issues and the ability to make connections between various community issues and resources.

We use an unbiased approach to understanding the greatest needs in our community.

Often it’s the “squeaky wheel” that gets the grease, but how do we know the “squeaky wheel” is the part that’s most in need? To help ensure we put our local dollars to work where it’s needed most, we completed Wolfville’s Vital Signs®,  a compilation of numerous research sources to give us, and the rest of the community, a snapshot of how we are doing on a number of quality of life indicators.

We take the long-term view for our community.

We identify long-term needs and opportunities and invest in sustainable solutions, helping our community become resilient, resourceful and ready for the future we want.

Next steps for Wolfville Vital Signs®

Through the Vital Signs® process, Wolfville’s higher-than-average poverty rates have been identified as a key concern of our community, especially as it relates to our children and youth.

The Wolfville Farmers’ Market Nourishing Community Food Bucks Project

The Wolfville Community Fund partnered with the Wolfville Farmers’ Market to support the Nourishing Community Food Bucks Project, an annual program where approximately 20 families who are vulnerable to food insecurity are given Market Money to participate in the market during harvest. Participants not only gain access to fresh local food, they also have the ability to make their own healthy, dignified choices while experiencing the connection that comes from knowing their farmer and being active participants in their community. At the same time, local farmers are supported as they grow food and keep local farmland in production.

How the fund works

The fund is administered by local community members who know our area well. These members:

  1. Help to grow the fund and gather community resources to support the fund’s activities;
  2. Actively engage with others to understand the community’s needs and opportunities; and
  3. Grant from the fund to local organizations that make Wolfville a great place to live.