Established in 2010
The Lunenburg County Community Fund was established to provide a way for all of us to contribute to the community we love and to help ensure that our needs are addressed both now and into the future.
Our concern is Lunenburg County as a whole. That’s why we support activities that contribute to a better quality of life for all. We work with a wide range of community groups – not just one charity or sector – to provide a comprehensive view of local issues and the ability to make connections between various community issues and resources.
We use an unbiased approach to understanding the greatest needs in our community.
We take the long-term view for our community.
Often it’s the “squeaky wheel” that gets the grease, but how do we know the “squeaky wheel” is the part that’s most in need? To help ensure we put our local dollars to work where it’s needed most, we completed Lunenburg County’s Vital Signs® reports in 2010 and 2013.
These reports are a compilation of numerous research sources to give us, and the rest of the community, a snapshot of how we are doing on a number of quality of life indicators.
We identify long-term needs and opportunities and invest in sustainable solutions, helping our community become resilient, resourceful and ready for the future we want.