Fondation communautaire du Grand-Havre
Created in collaboration with the Conseil Communautaire du Grand-Havre

Together for education and community projects

The Fonds communautaire du Grand-Havre (FCGH) promotes French culture and language, and works to secure engagement of members of the Acadian and francophone community in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM).

The FCGH was created as a result of joint agreements between HRM and the Province of Nova Scotia with the Halifax Francophone community. An initial contribution was made to re-establish and strengthen relations with the municipality’s Acadian and francophone communities. On an annual basis, the FCGH is proud to announce scholarships and community project grants.

The Fund welcomes donations, large and small, to create a long-term endowment fund to support Acadian and francophone organizations and students. Your support can take many forms:

  • a one-time donation
  • a recurring commitment
  • a donation for a specific project

We have joined with the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia (CFNS) to accept tax-deductible donations. Donate directly online or by sending a cheque payable to the Fonds communautaire du Grand-Havre care of the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia (address in footer)

Funding for Community Projects

The FCGH is pleased to announce it has established annual grants for community projects. Community project grants of $4,000 are awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Activities that promote community development, outreach and visibility.
  • Promotion of French-language community programs and services.
  • Leadership initiatives that enhance and support community organizations.

To ensure your application is submitted, be sure to click “submit” on the last page of the online form. The application deadline is April 30.

FCGH Scholarship

The FCGH Scholarship is administered by members of the local community in collaboration with staff from the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP) who know their students best. There is no application form for the scholarship.

Two to three FCGH scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded each year. This financial assistance is offered to Acadian and francophone graduating students who wish to pursue higher education (university, college or other), preferably, but not necessarily, in French.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria
  • To be eligible, the student must be a graduate of a CSAP high school in HRM and enrolled in a post-secondary program in Canada.
  • Student scholarships will be awarded by the scholarship committees in CSAP high schools. Recipients will have demonstrated courage in the pursuit of learning, and/or will have participated in a committed way in their school and community.
  • Please note there is no application form for the scholarships.

Note: We reserve the right to publish the photo and information of the winners for media promotion.

Contact Us

For more information on the Fondation communautaire du Grand-Havre, or to contact a member of the Selection Committee, email or call 902-435-3244.