North Shore Area Community Fund Logo

Established in 2017

The North Shore Area Community Fund offers a way for people both at home and away from our communities to ensure the essentials for growth and social support are addressed today and into the future.

We look to the long-term for our communities. We aim to identify outstanding issues and apply our resources to opportunities for sustainable solutions, giving our area more resilience, greater resourcefulness, and an enhanced readiness for the future as it unfolds.

The areas we cover

Our attention is directed to the northern portion of Colchester County centered on Tatamagouche. In addition, the fund recognizes the connections among people from Malagash, Wallace and Wentworth in Cumberland County, and the section of Pictou County extending to River John, for they tend to use services together.

We support activities and services that contribute to an improved quality of life in the area. We work with community groups to gain a comprehensive perspective of local issues, and the opportunity to connect the issues with the resources to address them.

Knowing where to start and to continue activities is critical to the success of the fund. To help identify where we put our earnings to work, we took part in the Colchester Communities Vital Signs® project –  a report on how well the County and towns are doing on a number of quality of life indicators.

How the fund works

Local community members – who know our area well – administer the fund. They:

  1. Encourage donors to help grow the fund so more resources can support the fund’s purposes and long-term purposes;
  2. Engage organizations so as to increase the understanding of our community’s needs and opportunities; and
  3. Provide grants from fund earnings to promote the aims of the fund, which change over time.

How you can help