Caring for the Residents of the Mountains and Meadows Care Group

About the fund

The Mountains and Meadows Fund was established by an independent group of caring individuals who wanted to raise funds on behalf of the Mountains and Meadows Care Group for the comfort and benefit of the residents living there.

A diverse Board of Directors will administer the fund in concert with the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia. The Board of Directors of the Fund is independent of the Board of Directors of Mountain and Meadows Care Group but will support the long-term strategic plan of that Board.


The Mountains and Meadows Fund values the interests of the residents living in one of three communities: Mountain Lea Lodge, The Meadows, and Willow Vale Apartments, and all proceeds that are secured through the fund will be used for the enhancement of the lives of the people living there.

Donate to this fund

If you would like to donate to this fund, donations of up to $500 can be made through the CanadaHelps donation form below. 

For donations over $500, please contact the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia office at