The Growing Bolder Together Fund supports social enterprises and non-profit organizations that address barriers to growth in rural communities in Victoria County. Growing together, within an organization, means to promote opportunities for lifelong inter-generational learning and to nurture mental/physical health and development for all ages. Growing together, within the community, means that organizations work with community groups in order to form partnerships.
Such partnerships further community development relating to education, physical/mental wellness, employee recruitment/retention and recreation. In so doing, these organizations will be inclusive; they will welcome and seek to support cultural and gender diversity, all socio-economic levels and all ages. The Growing Bolder Together Fund helps organizations to build a strong foundation for individual growth, while contributing to the ongoing growth of local communities.
The Growing Bolder Together Fund supports organizations such as the Bras d’Or Lakes Day Camps Association (BOLD).
The Bras d’Or Lakes Day Camps Association (BOLD) is a not-for-profit social enterprise organization addressing barriers to growth in rural communities. Located in Baddeck, BOLD operates as an innovative living-learning centre providing a community recreation resource and events facility. We are BOLD @ HEART! (Health, Education, Arts, Recreation, Thoughtfulness)
BOLD seeks to identify needs that are not being met, for social wellness and recreation. BOLD pro-actively supports sustainable community development by offering programs and opportunities for lifelong and intergenerational learning and for recreation. We aim to serve residents, families and visitors of all ages, cultures, social and economic backgrounds.
BOLD would not be able to exist without its community of users, friends and supporters. If there was no need for BOLD we would not be here! We wholeheartedly thank all those individuals and business partners who have helped over the years to support BOLD’s existence!
Your valued contribution to the Growing Bolder Together Fund helps organizations like ours move forward in developing and expanding the community programs outlined above. Thank you very much, your gift is most appreciated!