The Honourable Allan J. MacEachen (1921-2017) dedicated his life to serving the people of Cape Breton and Canada. Described as an outstanding Canadian and great thinker, those who knew him speak of his integrity, his dedication to his constituents, and his exceptional contributions to our country’s social and political life.

Born in Inverness, Cape Breton, Mr. MacEachen evolved from humble beginnings to become one of Canada’s greatest parliamentarians and politicians. First elected to office in 1953, he was a pivotal force in designing many of our country’s social programs, including health care, the Canada Assistance Plan, and Old Age Security.
The son of a coal miner, and a child of the Great Depression, Mr. MacEachen’s life and career were informed by a powerful commitment to self-betterment through hard work and giving back to his community.
Eligibility Criteria
Up to one scholarship may be available for each of the following eligible Cape Breton schools:
- Baddeck Academy
- Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre/Academy
- Chedabucto Place
- Dalbrae Academy
- Dr. J.H. Gillis Regional School
- East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
- Fanning Education Centre
- Inverness Academy
- Richmond Academy
- Rankin School of the Narrows
- St. Mary’s Education Centre/Academy
- Strait Area Education and Recreation Centre
- École acadienne de Pomquet
- École Beau-Port
- École NDA
Nomination Process
There is no application process, rather, students must be nominated. Only one graduating student from each of the eligible schools may be nominated. It is up to the school principal, scholarship or other nomination/review committee to select a student that best meets the following criteria:
- Neither of the student’s parents or guardians are university graduates
- Demonstrated financial need
- Academic performance
- Acceptance at an accredited Nova Scotia university
The number of scholarships and the amount of each scholarship will depend on the number of nominations received.
The deadline for nominations is June 15.